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Have a question, suggestion or offer? Please complete the contact form below. While I read everything that I receive, I'm not always able to reply to all of it. I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your time and interest.

Benjamin currently divides his time between the Peak District and London, UK.



To Get In Touch or arrange an appointment, please complete the Contact Form below.

While I read everything that I receive, I'm not always able to reply to all of it.

I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for your time and interest.

Please expect a response within 24hrs.

N.B. Strictly Business Inquiries Only.

* denotes required fields


Dear Whom Ever It May Concern,

If you know of anyone directly or indirectly, that you feel would be interested in or benefit from connecting with me and or my services, please feel free to share my details with them.

Alternatively, if you know of anyone you feel I would benefit from being put in touch with, I’d also love to hear from you, I always enjoy meeting, sharing and collaborating with new and exciting bright sparks! It’s a real passion of mine!

I am truly grateful and appreciative of any and all personal recommendations or referrals.

Yours Faithfully

B e n j a m i n W i l l i a m E v e r i t t

N.B. I rely to a Great Extent on Referrals for my Client Acquisition, Business Growth and Expansion. All the Revenue that would have been spent on Advertising and Promotion is instead Redirected back into the Services I am able to Provide for my Client’s and their Experiences. Whether that be through Complimentary Services and Incentives or the Covering of Costs and Expenses regarding their Accommodation, Food and Activities whilst on my Mentoring and Peer-To-Peer Programmes.


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