LEGAL | Metaphysics | Health & Wellness | Consultant

 L E G A L




“My Job, is simply to express who it is I am most fully and to share what I know to be true for me, trusting that whoever I attract are just the individuals that will benefit most from what I have to offer. Whilst never insisting that anyone need change in any way, shape or form. I simply present in an eloquent and concise way, what has and continues to work for me, how and why. Merely as an alternative option that others are free to choose to express, if they so wish. I desire to be of service in these ways to encourage and enable others to empower themselves through a greater understanding of who and what they are as unique expressions of All That Is” - Benjamin William Everitt


The contents of this site are the exclusive property of Benjamin William Everitt. Consequently, users are not authorised to use these contents for purposes not specifically outlined by the site. In the event of a violation, Benjamin William Everitt reserves the right to take action against the violator. Benjamin William Everitt reserves the right to modify at any time the contents of this site, without prior warning. It is free to browse and access this portal at your own convenience and discretion.

I Benjamin William Everitt am not and can not be held in any way shape or form responsible for any decisions, choices and or actions taken by any clients that choose to work with me. I recognise that each and every person lives and is fully repsonsible for their own life and that no one else can be held in anyway accountable for the decisions, choices and or actions of another.